
B. Reith
Now Is Not Forever

Praise God for those artists who just go out and do what is best for them (as opposed to trying to be something they're not on the basis of marketing advice.)

B. Reith is the real deal: a new artist with an amazing voice, acoustic guitar skills and and quirky style of rapping. His delivery is remarkable (especially live). You might have caught a bit of what he offers on his previous EP release on Gotee Records, but with Now Is Not Forever, he now has a full length extravaganza on his hands.

CD  Examine his delivery, lyrical content and versatility. For example, "Come Back Kid" is hilarious (because he was never really gone). So what type of come back is he talking about? Well, this is about those who get knocked down by life's blows but get back up and come back stronger. Check out the tongue-in-cheek lyrics (especially when he talks about his manager, singer Calvin Nowell.)

There is so much to enjoy about B. Reith. In a live setting, he always kills with "Mess", a mid-tempo acoustic soul ditty that flows in the Jason Mraz realm. B. Reith smoothly raps and sings of falling into sin and trying to find a way out. Oh, this one is sharp and on point.

Honesty and maturity describe "Wish That"; the song deals with a breakup with a girlfriend, but he also talks about how he wishes the best for her. And yes, topics such as this should be addressed in the church.

"Anecdote" is a nicely written (and sung) pop ballad that focuses on a girl who is looking for a man —someone who will deal politely with her already delicate heart. B Reith offers up Jesus as the perfect Man for her.

Folk music lovers will quickly latch onto "Just For You" because it possesses that simplicity and beauty (as far as music is concerned) found in many folk songs, with a simple acoustic guitar, violin and a subtle kick drum.

Thank you B. Reith for releasing this masterpiece. It is much needed!

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Production: B. Reith
album release date: October, 2009
Gotee Records

— review by Dwayne Lacy

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