

Hip hop artist Sean Slaughter writes regularly-appearing column for Gospelflava.com on the wide-ranging topic of Gospel hip hop.

Hip Hop, Carmen and TBN?
June 13, 2003

Whatz good? Welcome to Freestylin’, the column that let’s you know whatz up in Holy Hip Hop—as I see it.

This week’s adventure take me to May 27th 2003 when I was interviewed by Carmen on TBN. I was chillin’ @ home on Thursday night playing ‘The Sims” on PS2 (highly addictive) and TBN called me on some last minute stuff and I agreed to do the show.

Now we all know TBN and Hip-Hop usually are not found in the same sentence, but why? Well, TBN is funded by the people who watch TBN —who usually are grey-haired or your parents. So in order to keep TBN on, you keep the people watching happy. Get it? I understand the system, but there has to be room for ONE quality Hip-Hop show similar to BET’s Bassment.

Anyway, I gets to Miami on Tuesday and head to the hotel for some quick sleep. As I lay in my bed I’m thinking, ‘Carmen don’t even know me like that, so how is this REALLY gonna jump off’? I wake up just in time to meet the crew heading to the studio in the hotel lobby, and to my total surprise, Ted Dibiase “The Million Dollar Man” and Nikita Volkoff “The Russian Nightmare” were heading to the studio with us! Phat! For all ya’ll slow cats, these dudes rules wresting in the late 80’s and early 90’s.

On the way to the studio and inside the studio building I’m asking them nothing but questions about wrestling and found out some crazy things. For instance, Nikita is not Russian but Minnesotan (or from Minnesota) and he had to act out his Russian persona everywhere so his image wouldn’t be ruined. His little girls didn’t even know their dad wasn’t Russian until they were the ages 4 and 7! Crazy!

So the show starts and they start their interview hosted by Carmen and it’s tight. I’m sitting on the side, anxious to rep Christ in this Hip-Hop thang on worldwide T.V. I finally get my chance and me and Carmen begin to chew the fat. I know he was thinking, ‘What does this cat have to say!?’ But the conversation was great and Carmen asked some excellent questions.

He really didn’t know my testimony so when he heard some things I went through, he was trippin’. I finished the interview and did a song called “Nothing Can Compare” off of my new album, The Dungeon Underground Classics, Chapter 1. I really felt the presence of God on that joint and I was spittin’ every lyric like they were bullets!

And that was it. Carmen prayed with the people and the show was a powerful wrap. I pray God will use this experience to further the Holy Hip Hop movement and open the eyes of the non-believers. Ya heard!

One luv


— column by Sean Slaughter
June 13, 2003

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