

Hip hop artist Sean Slaughter writes regularly-appearing column for GOSPELflava.com on the wide-ranging topic of Gospel hip hop.

Get Mine in 2009
January 24, 2009

If you have not been affected by the struggles America has faced in 2008, your either dead, lying, or you don't live in America. Everyone has either directly or indirectly been touched in some way by the failing economy. These struggles have created a desire for a great 2009: "A fine 2009"; "Time to Shine in 2009"; "On My Grind in 2009"; and "About to Get Mine in 2009".

But the reality is, 2009 might be just as difficult as 2008. Now before you pull out your lackoffaithometer on me, hear me out.

It is natural in America to expect endless bliss on top of infinite blessings. I'm sure most of you who went to a New Year's Eve church service left with grand promises of what God was going to miraculously do in '09. And even greater chances are that you were told the same in January '08.

Here is my point: I am preparing (and am prepared) for whatever God brings my way —bountiful blessing or challenging difficulties.

Difficulties make us stronger. A weight lifter needs resistance in order to get stronger. The greatest championship games are between two competitors who struggle and fight to score the final and winning point. The greatest satisfaction comes from mastering that incredibly difficult course after hours of study and preparation.

Struggles are the prerequisite for success, both naturally and spiritually. In the words of Ravi Zacharias, "meaninglessness does not come from a weariness of pain, meaninglessness comes from a weariness of pleasure". I pray that 2008's pain creates a search for meaning in 2009.

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— column by Sean Slaughter
January 24, 2009

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